Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results for "Hall, George W.".

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Hall, George W.

Colby University Class of '75 Class Day Exercises Program, July 29, 1875

The prophecies portion of the graduation exercises was presented by Mary C. Low, Alpha, Colby College.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Jul 29th, 1875

Colby University Class of '75 Class Day Exercises Program, July 29, 1875

The prophecies portion of the graduation exercises was presented by Mary Caffrey Low, Alpha, Colby College.

Collection: Alpha
Date: Jul 29th, 1875

Emma E. Kinne to Frances E. Hall Letter, September 24, 1923

Emma E. Kinne, Epsilon, Syracuse University, writes to Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College, regarding participation in the History of Sigma Kappa.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Sep 24th, 1923

Frances Hall to Sister Brown Letter, June 10, 1933

Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College, writes about her declining health and that she will be unable to attend the 1933 national convention.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Jun 10th, 1933

Frances Hall to Sister Brown Letter, June 10, 1933

Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College, writes about her declining health and that she will be unable to attend the 1933 national convention.

Collection: Frances Mann Hall
Date: Jun 10th, 1933

Frances Mann Hall Article

This article by Louise H. Coburn, Alpha, Colby College, highlights the life of Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College.

Collection: Archives Collection

Frances Mann Hall Speech 1

This speech highlights the life of Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College.

Collection: Archives Collection

Frances Mann Hall Speech 2

This speech highlights the life of Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College.

Collection: Archives Collection

George W. Hall Portrait Photograph

Collection: Archives Collection

George W. Hall to Emma E. Kinne Letter, July 28, 1923

George W. Hall writes to Emma E. Kinne, Epsilon, Syracuse University, to confirm that Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College, received her letter.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Jul 28th, 1923

Lillian M. Perkins to Town Clerk Letter, April 23, 1970

Lillian M. Perkins, Omicron, Tufts University, writes to the town clerk of Yarmouth, Maine regarding research on Frances Mann Hall, Alpha, Colby College.

Collection: Archives Collection
Date: Apr 23rd, 1970